This is the story of a girl who had the same kind of life as mine except that she is "big" and I am "small". An inferiority complex is a very dangerous and irrevocable impression that can be created by parents on their children. There are certain inconsiderate opinions and treatments that affect those children and become their lifelong baggage to be carried. Skin colour, facial features, and size are the factors involved. To rub salt in the wound, there are abrasive reminders every single day about the disappointments of the child. There is no about the maternal and paternal love but how deep is it in comparison to the other things that they are fond of or if there is another kid born with all their expectations gratified, then the former one becomes the tester cake or the sidekick. We've all been on that boat when sibling rivalry takes its toll on our emotions. ...

A reservoir of thoughts appreciating numerous artistic masterpieces. If my visitors are going to agree with what I've written here, then it's purely coincidental. In this space, I have expressed my reviews on books and films that had enticed me for years. Your opinions are special. Feel free to express them as comments below the posts.