Dear Anne, I wouldn't have felt like writing to you after reading your diary if you had been alive while it was getting published, becoming a worldwide phenomenon. Your absence has certainly added value to the things you have written. Ironically it was "Mein Kampf" that was my first choice. Hitler's complex composition baffled me and of which I had to pause reading the book. There can be very many explanations to justify vengeance in this world but pain is universal. It is understood by all living beings. The catastrophic incidents that followed the discovery of you and your family members from the secret annexe were unimaginable and merciless. As a young girl, the thoughts that you were gifted with were enough to give us a vivid picture of the misery of seclusion. It was an anticipated ending yet you made us feel the value of our lives. You have shown us how irreparably inhuman we have become. I have los...

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