Nothing lasts for eternity. We all find it difficult to digest this fact. We hardly realise that we are all born with a reason and making a significant mark before leaving this world is deeply meaningful. During my school days, I used to intently read books like The Mystery at St.Lucy's, The Gem of Nehora etc. I still want to find these books somehow and wish to keep them forever as they bring back cherished memories of my life as a student in the convent. This book has become another prized possession of mine. I have never understood or tried to scrutinize the selflessness of a nun or a social worker. It's a herculean task for us to take care of our daily chores, let alone others. This has to be indubitably an inbred quality and it cannot be attained by vigorous training or procedures. I have read and heard certain not-so-good things about Mother Teresa. As an atheist and a rationalist, I have always looked for a reason to question the authenticity of such people. But o...

A reservoir of thoughts appreciating numerous artistic masterpieces. If my visitors are going to agree with what I've written here, then it's purely coincidental. In this space, I have expressed my reviews on books and films that had enticed me for years. Your opinions are special. Feel free to express them as comments below the posts.