I have never read a classic that has garnered too much controversy, dissension and global attention. "The Good Earth" happens to be one of such nature that is filled with so many facts, demystifying the cultural norms and practices of the Chinese. Despite historians and philosophers demurring the depiction of the Chinese lifestyle in the novel, the book has earned a Pulitzer prize and a Nobel prize for the Author. O-Lan is a character that is undoubtedly the backbone of the entire plot for if it weren't for her deeds, Wang Lung would have remained a poor slave under the clutches of the Westerners. Each scene in the story is factual and beautifully unfolds the life and experiences of a Chinese farmer who found happiness on his land and on a handful of earth. Ultimately the book indirectly harps on the fact that it is a farmer who determines the survival of Mankind. As a reader, it is very pleasurable to imagine and mentally picture every scene...

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