All the books written by Paulo Coelho, alike their paperback editions are light and ebbing with simplicity. Paulo Coelho had gracefully elaborated various aspects of life and Mankind's volatile experiences in this eternal space, through the words of the Copt. The preface of the book gives a pretty picture of what is going to be discussed in the following pages. The fact that this composition is a transcription of the valuable evidence that has been unearthed from the ruins of the City of Accra in Ancient Egypt, is absolutely a shocking surprise for the readers. In this Mortal world, we live and carry a lot of learning and knowledge with us. These experiences are to be passed to people around us lest they die with us. This book comes with absolute profundity to explain love, solitude, loyalty, courage, failure, war, sex, beauty, faith, elegance and much more. Our lives become meaningful and thoughts become enlightened only if there's a sharing of beliefs and lessons learn...

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