After going through some astounding reviews about this book and the author, I picked the book "Chronicles of the Death Foretold". This is a brilliant tale of a plot that's set by two men involved in the complicity to kill a man called Santiago Naser for he had desecrated the dignity of their sister Angela Vicario. The arrival of the Bishop, being the big event of the entire plot becomes the beginning of any new happening that's a part of this tragedy. The lifestyle, culture, festivities and daily routines of the Spaniards are lucidly elaborated in different passages. Being the skirt-chaser that he is, Santiago after the night of debauchery would not have expected the fatal turn of events that were about to happen the next day. With sharpened Scimitars, his perpetrators were waiting to commit the heinous act amidst the delirious crowd. The beguiling and pitiable part is that everyone in the town knew about the plan devised to kill Santiago except him. In defi...

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