Civics- This used to be a separate chunk of 50 pages in the history books when I was in school. By looking at the design of the books and syllabi, would feel that much importance is given to history and it is complemented by civics in the end. Another impression we could get would be that history, civilization and civics go hand in hand. It helps us understand the path we have taken and the significant episodes that have transformed our society during this journey. This book has compiled this journey in a simplified manner. The writer has tried to cover all the major aspects of the Constitution, Government, and Judiciary and has been substantially successful in producing a quality result. In many areas, the Indian Constitution is referenced through the mention of Articles and Sections. There are also criticisms in the form of appreciation and assessments in various chapters. My favourite part is where the statement of CN Annadurai "Autonomy to states and Coalition in Cente...

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