I am filled with a lot of dismalness that no words can describe. What started off as a slightly satirical narrative gradually turned into an emotional life story of a young man called Stuart Shorter. What do we know about those who live on the streets, observing the pedestrians, gawking longingly at the Store Window Displays, looking vacantly at the vehicles speeding past them every day? What could we possibly assume to be the reason behind their abandonment and unusual lifestyle? This might seem peculiar to the middle-class nine-to-fives or to the elites but certainly not to the homeless. Each of them has a story to tell; a powerful one indeed. This book is one such creation. Truly can't appreciate the Author Alexander Masters enough for his pertinacious work in compiling the biography of a derelict soul whose actions and temperaments were nothing but the manifestations of a turbulent past. Every individual that is committed to a wrong-doing ...

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