Marichjhapi, Lusibari, Emilybari, Garjontola, Bon Bibi, BhotBhoti, Shankar Machh, Tangra, Ilish, Parshey, Puti, Bhekti, Rui, Chitol, Muorola, Bagh, Johor, Aghunmukha and many many more beautiful Bangla terms to know and learn from this tragic tale of the tide country. Poetry, Nature and a fictitious storyline in unison create a magical world of profound characters for the readers here. The raw and intense portrayal of the way of life for the locals in the communities is beyond comparison. When it rains, you feel the gentle touch of mizzle; When it gets foggy, you feel the mist enveloping you and clouding your vision; when there comes a storm, you feel the intensity and graveness of the situation; When there's food, you smell the authentic aromas wafting through the pages. That's how overwhelming the style of writing of the author is, given the perspicacious records and data that have constructed this beautiful piece of work. The best part is where those refreshing lines of p...

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