A better way to read this book is to curl up under the warmth of a thick blanket on a rainy day with a hot cup of soup/cocoa surrounded by dim fairy lights swaying all over the walls. Feels like a dream, truly. Lakeside cottage (Lake Crescent in Olympic Peninsula) exhumes pleasantness and pure romance. It's what many of us badly crave in the merciless unfair reality. At times, we think that wishful thoughts complicate our lives. Why unreasonably muck up your state of mind with stupid emotional expectations when you can accept the presence and just go on. Well, that's not what we need all the time. It is okay to picture silly prospects regardless of their likelihood of happening. It's the hope that keeps us going. It is always there at the corner of our hearts and most of the time we are just frightened to acknowledge its existence. The story of Kate and JD & their family tells us that it's okay to let go of our fears and indulge in some fascinating fa...

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