Da Vinci - The multi-faceted polymath who has been the greatest inspiration for people for aeons. The admirable quality that I found in this Genius is the fearlessness that enabled him to explore and gain expertise in various areas exhaustively. He created the intellectual freedom for everyone to feel empowered to create a society of free thinkers, express without inhibitions and feel confident about choosing the mode of expression in a non-judgmental way. "I am not good at this thing" is a statement I hear every now and then from my students in class. Some of them would say this spontaneously even without trying out that particular engagement. I had to really push them to give it a go, provide them examples of similar work, share my experiences or give them the comfort to practice by practising along with them. Leonardo never seemed to have this midblock and was very open to being experimental with his thoughts. Sometimes I had even taken the maestro's paintings, r...

A reservoir of thoughts appreciating numerous artistic masterpieces. If my visitors are going to agree with what I've written here, then it's purely coincidental. In this space, I have expressed my reviews on books and films that had enticed me for years. Your opinions are special. Feel free to express them as comments below the posts.