"I tried reading this but gave up halfway. All the best finishing it", quipped a woman at the airport before hauling her luggage towards the gate. I glanced at her with a smile and continued reading. Ayn Rand can distinctly implicate the coarseness of how the world works. Roark and Keating are the semblances of mankind's two extremes- The Creator and The Parasite. Ayn Rand proposes an atypical philosophical system called "Objectivism", the tenets of which revolve around reason and individualism. What bothers one about this principle is the foolhardy notion it suggests to oppose collectivism on the pretext of Man's moral purpose in life. The author wants her readers to look closely and try to see how Capitalism is way better than Communism as the latter is only a political ruse, a subterfuge to destroy uniqueness and to control the minds of people in large groups. The debate around Individualism vs Collectivism, as provocative as it sounds, does not really ta...

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