When I chanced upon the term "Saganism" a few years ago, it sounded like a cult that promoted spiritual philosophy. To me, the name "Sagan" gave the idea of an enlightened saint, a cosmic time-traveller robed in white, telling tales about the universe. Immense self-control helped me not to google the hell out of Sagan, as I was determined to know him only through his books. Consequently, the universe greeted me with a copy of "Broca's Brain" at a Crossword store in a mall. There it was, and it was about time too. Wanting to understand the mysteries of space without having to revisit my physics lessons, I trusted Sagan and dug deep. What I found, understood, and realised blew my mind. We all would have already done enough brainwork to reflect on the afterlife, near-death experiences, interstellar, extraterrestrial life, planetary functions, etc. Sagan breaks it down so easily yet presents it with the right amount of mystery, leaving his readers to ...

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