War is Peace! Ignorance is Strength! Freedom is Slavery! It's an accepted fact that 1984 is the OG of all dystopian thrillers. Long ago, I watched a dark science fiction movie by the name "Zero Theorem". It certainly gave me an understanding of the world in its advanced age of revolution and technology. That was cataclysmic enough to portray the evils of a power-intoxicated Mankind. This book is a fictional account of how through the eyes of a man called Winston Smith, George Orwell imagines our world's political landscape in the year 1984. Winston is a duty-bound citizen of Oceania immersed in waves of mass cults constantly proclaiming their nationalism and love for a staunch authoritarian saviour,' Big Brother'. Bound by terrifyingly unique ministries and Party protocols, Oceania keeps waging wars against Eurasia and Eastasia in order to maintain the internal social pyramid. After all, Hierarchy yields power and Ingsoc (English Socialism) is fuelled by fear...

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