This book came out in the 1970s. With a brazen confidence to predict the twists and turns,I dove into this suspenseful drama. Even the epic crime stories celebrate family. We’ve seen a celebrated Mafia Don certifying a man’s honour based on his strong familial bonds. However, the stellar storyteller Sidney Sheldon weaves a wild tale in Bloodline. “Do not let the straightforward suits and polished ties fool you” is the gist of this story. Man’s inherent greed is fueled by his insatiable needs. There’s a dirty rat race going on inside the most sophisticated conference rooms of the tallest ivory towers. Competition is a common thread that connects everyone in the social pyramid. When Sam Rolfe, the key board member of a multi-million-dollar pharmaceutical company, dies in a fatal accident, all hell breaks loose. Elizabeth, his daughter and the future president of Rolfe Pharmaceuticals, is a baby in the woods. While being pressurized to sell the company’s shares and bring in private invest...

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