A text's verbosity reaches unfathomable grandiosity when poetry meets prose. Michael Ondaatje is gifted enough to weave a tale that's tragic in parts but wholly serene. At its core, "In the Skin of a Lion" treads the rugged path that courses a life chart making the journey somewhat worthwhile. Patrick Lewis is wildly swayed by the situational currents while what he truly yearns for is an ounce of regulated love. Love that is messy, uncompromising and effusively profound enough to make him feel things. At the fag end of his life, Patrick understands the universe's twisted sense of humour. In Patrick's case, timing plays a cursed role. Expectations are detached to deadlines. Everything has to run its course. Alignments don't care about our whims and fancies. "Trust the process", we've been told. But here's the neat part. By the time the pieces fall into place, everything ceases to makes sense; all dwindled down to a bunch of baloney. Al...
"MOTHER" is Maxim Gorky's fiery magnum opus. Nilovna like many long-suffering yet indomitable women, shows hope and remains a sign of courage to her kind who have lost their inspiration to lead and live in a patriarchal society. Revolution for the greater good is built upon bloodshed and polemical beliefs. The young blood in pre-revolutionary Soviet search for the truth and fight for their rights. For them, words' power supersedes swords' skills; sticks stones and guns even. While czarist censorship was rampant all over the city and suburbs, gendarmes mercilessly confiscated any piece of literature that could threaten the government importantly books and essays might provoke people to think or get ideas. Only intellectual freedom can ultimately free the workers of this world from the capitalistic clutches. If only it were easy to earn those rights. Mother's story is a precursor to the Russian revolutionary period which sparks ideas and thoughts that can cleans...