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Peter Ho Davies opens this tale with a small word origin for "Welsh". It means failing to fulfil one's promise. Much like the minimal doses of caffeine on a Monday morning, the plot's initial pages gradually intoxicate the readers. This slow pleasure prepares us for what is later revealed as a rocky path. Esther is a beautiful name for a woman who is as lost as any woman in this world, irrespective of her time, place or circumstances. For reasons, well-known, the protagonist is tormented by her tumultuous state of mind. When we see/hear the word "war', an image constructed with bleak and dreary details naturally comes to light. Human sufferings are archived in each pixel of that image remaining unnoticeable and microscopic given the scale of damage. Yet, they constitute the bigger picture. 
"The Welsh Girl" zooms in on one such pixel, the life of Esther - the daughter of an old shepherd in North Wales set in the 1950s as it's showdown for World War II. She loves to pick up imaginary roles to care for people around her. Unbothered about reciprocation, Esther offhandedly gives her complete attention as a loving mother, dutiful daughter, busy barmaid, doted daughter-in-law and sympathetic caretaker.  Peter Ho Davies is a poet who can write breathtaking prose. His words demand a special need and appreciation of the literary elements that shape this novel.  


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