Yeah...that was Spanish.Haha..SS's making me go crazy about him with his amazing works. God is so cruel to have taken him away from us! "muy malo!" "It is fiction and yet...", I was baffled by his words in the beginning. Not anymore after wrapping it up! Except for the Tauro bravo, corrida, ballerinas, scarlet cape, matador, and La Tomatina, I hadn't seen or heard much of Spain in my life. I saw the country through Hollywood but not so lucid and fine, as in this novel. ( confía en mí! ). It is so true that Power by all means decides whether a person is a rebel or a patriot.SS has this profound skill of devising plots and executing them in the most compelling and unsuspected way. (gracias a dios , he was not a rebel!.. lol) I gasped during several moments while picturing the wildest passion and intimacy his characters exhibit among themselves. He is Precise and Pensive, yet sharp as a tack! I keep guessing ...

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