The main idea behind the theme of this novel, from what I construe would be to bring out the typical livelihood of any woman who hasn't lost the last bit of hope, giving yet another try in a relationship. How many times, the lightning strike the same place, a construction keeps rising. (I remember having read this somewhere). Rather than making it all a soap opera, Olivia had so beautifully brought in her wittiness and sarcasm. Whatever killer Looks or makeovers, you may opt for and let them conquer you, still there wouldn't be any success in concealing your indigenous roots, would there?? We'd still be the "Same old Bina" fragile beings at heart. An extra coating is pointless. I didn't quite like the way it culminated...

A reservoir of thoughts appreciating numerous artistic masterpieces. If my visitors are going to agree with what I've written here, then it's purely coincidental. In this space, I have expressed my reviews on books and films that had enticed me for years. Your opinions are special. Feel free to express them as comments below the posts.