With so many inexplicable expectations in mind, just because I've seen a couple of Dan Brown's works on screen, I started eagerly, this thrilling ride. Cryptography and Network Security had been one of my elective papers at college. Hence the prerequisite knowledge necessary for knowing what the Digital Fortress is all about was already with me. The art of deciphering codes, Cipher processing giants like TRANSLTR, cyber laws, virus filters such as GAUNTLET, kill codes, Anagrams, Backdoors, Rotating Text Patterns, Brute Force Attacks and so much more jargon that could make cryptography, an interesting subject for the readers even if he does plumbing, for a living. The Stratagems employed by the Crypto personnel in breaking codes, bypassing filters, tracing e-mails and the virtual existence of the Paramount peacemaker NSA were all just spot on and beyond question. The operative actions taken during the last minute in order to pr...

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