The varied rituals and cultural aspects of The Great Indian Families stand tall, disregarding their financial status and trendiness. However fat, the stack of cash, that they earn is, whatever elite the community to which, they belong is, Values are Values. As the Cliche goes, Truth always prevails."Sisters" sheds light on some of the unspeakable, intolerable lifestyles of the Creamy Layer. People of that sort, save their emotions and hardly be any frantic when certain lines are crossed. Ms.De had beautifully and meticulously detailed the stark secrets and lifestyles, they have. A few places have words so slash, unbearable to perceive, where it requires to be perceived. Our lenses and their projections are beyond the scope of being likely. The hidden vulnerability,easy-peasy-lemon-sqeezy dealings and slip-ups and stinks are made insatiable beneath the fa...

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