How can the Jackal be destroyed?! Sorry for the spoiler alert but this just doesn't imprint any contentment. Mr.Forsyth knows how to make his readers crave shocking surprises. The plot gradually diverts our attention solely towards the Jackal's unknown motives and cleverly makes us take his side as the events progress which also leaves the readers wholly disappointed at the very expected cliched ending. I could even feel the slight seething rage every time the Police forces blew the Jackal's cover off. The transient change of the dramatic personae is astounding. There is an unprecedented guessing in the investigation methodologies of the detectives and SDC members. How humongous is a task like identifying the infiltration in a crowd filled with an unknown population of France?!. Each step must be calculative and gingerly. Keeping things discreet from the press works about as well as having a cat in a bag. It must be a herculean...

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