The Hater (2020) Director : Jan Komasa Starring: Maciej MusiaĆowski, Vanessa Aleksander, Agata Kulesza, Danuta Stenka This is one movie that resembles the current political unrest created by the influence of social media globally. The movie is about a young fellow who gets thrown out of his law college for plagiarising his assignment. His uncle and aunt who fund his education constantly look down upon him and treat him as their inferior. This internally creates a lot of disturbance in him and he plans to avenge them soon. He joins a company that runs negative and positive campaigns for certain individuals as per the request of their clients through Social Media. As he learns the technicalities of such campaigns, he also uses social media as a platform for spreading fake news and hate-mongering. This results in devastating consequences. Coincidentally and unfortunately, three weeks after the movie got wrapped up, the mayor of Gdansk, a city in Poland was stabbed by a mob during an even...

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