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In the advent of "The Festival of Love", where human mating is legal on streets for a conceived duration in High East Offerance, our amazingly excited Elect of God III, Isis Whit..blah blah blah...begins her mission in pursuit of her long-lost cousin Morag(now a reigning porn star). Highly flummoxed by the habits and cultural differences of the Unsaved, this Granddad's little girl decides to give it a push and sticks to the search. The timely support and assistance of her city-bound brethren lift her spirits up.

Mr. Banks has an elusive complication in the usage of words to ornate his narration. Some of them were very unheard of yet had beautiful sounds and synonyms that fortified the entire coherence. He refurbishes the whole structure of his language with a wise choice of sentences and phrases. Humour, when hidden, makes it even more wanting and worthy. As things in this story move to a clearer spot, so many truths get unfolded and responsively it's just recursive fun but a shocking surprise. It did not fail to regale the readers at any level. Iain Banks has his own strange yet appealing genre in writing. The cover of his paperbacks and titles prove the special repertoire of the author himself.
This book, "Isis amongst the Unsaved", if read with exhaustive interest and dedication will definitely be a silent pleasure as the sarcasm slowly makes its way out. A lot was learnt encompassing vocabulary, cult procedures, rituals and not to forget my favourite cause that grabbed all the attention in the end, "The Zhlonjiz"
One among Isis's identification string  "Saraswathi", the twin sisters Zhobilia's and Aasni's Asian origin, highlight on our eight-yard wonder were so Indian that kept me wondering about this author's multifarious thoughts with pride.


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