After so many phases of colour transformations, finally, our bus has become yellow....Yellow????.sigh........
Anyway, I've seen blue with penguins but not this. Sometimes I hate our buses for chasing us away with our books and lunch boxes during the casual turns...so much remodelling..so many cras.....ssshhhesss... oopsie!!! I didn't mean to say that...Well..now it's a vibrant bucket of bolts...good!
It's hard for me to not keep thinking about our old watchman. Sharp at 8:45 these huge pair of gates would be closed.There would be a little door too...for other people to enter..and the notice board that you see right there always captivated us during monsoons....we'd wait for some holiday notes to be written so we could run back home. Emails or Phones or WhatsApp didn't exist then.
Though these gates did scare us a few times...it very well taught us the bottom line.."Be Punctual!"

It has changed a lot. when we left, it only had a cream and magenta mix of colours. Be it any cultural meet, function or exhibition, this was the place that staged it all.
I hardly forget those days when we used to glance off the performances on stage, hopping behind the casement windows.
Hell....no..I couldn't forget our public exams too....
Aaah..the swings...I really miss them. I've always been a kid.. especially when I have a chance of getting into the park. There had also been some disastrous moments for my friends when we were little...especially on the merry-go-round. Once again our sweet but scary watchman would shoo us away with a cane.....hollering, "Hey Girl! You! "....ha ha..he never bothered to learn our names.
We would all jump off the swings, merry-go-rounds..(a pity that at least one will be trapped and caught), retracing from the slides, abandoning the see-saw with a friend at the other end..and uufff the hot sands trap us like a bog.
Yeah...for the pupil. We could always have long queues waiting to pay the school fees. Once when I was asked to do that, it didn't work. Even I couldn't keep myself aware of the fact that I slipped wads of cash(10 rupee notes) on the ground and got an earful from my teachers.
A beautiful octagon birdcage adjacent to it is an all-time tourist spot for the kids around the place. We have cute little multi-coloured love birds as well as white ones. It's a lovely sight.....
This is the computer lab for the primary section that's located opposite the fees counter. This was where I learnt C
my first programming language. There's a beautiful huge aquarium present outside this lab.
This place had taught us the true values and feelings of faith and spirituality. We were constantly aware of the fact that she's been watching us and protecting us at work and at play. Every time we would leave for a tour or a pilgrimage trip, we'd make sure that strong prayers were chanted before this figurine.
This tree is something worthy to be mentioned and it stands as a symbol of pride and identity in serving the students with its vast expanse of shade. The Peepal tree has helped us with botany classes in studying the leaf structures. And that building you see in the picture is the primary block comprising the kindergarten up to 5th. It's called the Silver Jubilee Block.
It's the "Island Building", as we used to call it. The teachers had found walking all the way from their rooms to this building, especially during summers, a dread. Unlike the rest of the blocks, it is secluded and located right behind the park. We'd be tempted to stray towards the park all the time. Guess that's why, I never grew up!

This is the residence of our beloved Sisters of the Cluny congregation, Neyveli. The beautiful, enticing garden inside was my favourite place to visit every afternoon during lunch hours. There is a Private hostel inside for the new members. The sisters take care of every single plant like their own child and maintain them in the perfect ways possible.

A place of absolute peace and eternity to know and feel the warmth of God's presence. Every single entity inside this Chapel was holy to us. We used to kneel down and pray for hours together during our exams with pin-drop silence.

There are different Portraits from the Bible framed over the walls. The variety of fresh flowers(roses, daisies,
dahlias, poppies, chrysanthemums and many more. I don't remember exactly) inside the vases are plucked freshly from the convent garden and are changed regularly.
Oh...this gives me nostalgic feelings about our 9th-standard History teacher..Sr.Agneta. She's the one who would be driving this van for the church. Such a powerful lady. For me, she looked like a valiant, indomitable woman who lived a life with a strong belief in herself and in what she was. And this was the place where Sr.Mary Grace read us Tagore's Gitanjali.


We did have a real "chemistry", all the 55 of us.
Well..yeah.The physics lab.
Where I never got anything correct and found all the possible ways to get on my teacher's nerves. Unknown connections,
whispered readings, faulty ammeters, scary spectrometers...
It haunts me sometimes. Thank God! I'm out of it!
Yep! That's how our teacher scowls when we chatter inside our zoology lab. I'd never forget that skeleton inside the glass casing. We believed that was some old student when we first went in. After visiting the lab for the first time we moved on from "Stupids and Idiots!" to calling ourselves "Preserved Specimens!"
I wrote both my 12th public exams in this hall. Was very nervous actually..with 8 vigilantes and 2 flying squads.
Every day was hell. Fighting with my clock hands, sweaty palms, blotted ink, stained papers.....ooh What's wrong with the refill???
I've never been here. But I always wanted to. Just because of one good reason. Guess what? Ms.Reena Mathews is an absolute beauty. her way of talking, and mannerisms are so graceful and charismatic! We always adored her! Once she spoke about the three batteries of life during a psychology session. I dozed off which is quite regrettable as I could have used her lecture later in life.
Truly..it's an undeniable fact. We used to gather every morning for assembly prayer and each class would perform a skit that instigates moral values in the students. All kinds of celebrations, prize distributions, performances, and rank card distributions are done on this platform.
This is the view from the St.Joseph's block of the stage. This place would always be busting with activities as the office room, and the principal room are all located on the same wing.
I never liked to enter into this room. I felt completely different and never remembered the teachers' seats well. you go in for one job and leave out with many...That's the way it is...OUR PRINCY!!

And Last but not Least This was our dear Sister. Louisa truly had her own ways to teach us discipline and mend our ways. She was tough, not as friendly as Sister.Loudovic(God..I still miss her...).Sr.Louisa left the school with us but her commanding voice and unbelievable attitude still linger. God Bless her wherever she is.
These were some of our Laurels from various events. Wherever we are and whatever we do, as a Clunian we are proud of ourselves and of our institution for teaching us what life is really about and preparing us for the whole new world that was ahead. Loyal and Cheerful!
We'll keep the flag flying high!
Fellow Clunian
Ponni...jst got through this..really a vry nice job! :)
I still want to go back in time n again live those wonderful days!:)
Missing it so much! :(
Ponni...jst got through this..really a vry nice job! :)
I still want to go back in time n again live those wonderful days!:)
Missing it so much! :(
SB Poorneemaa
fellow clunian