Every school has an exclusive tree. A tree that wasn't just a provider of shade on sunny afternoons to lunch under but something of a quiet onlooker that stood steady against the backdrop of changes. We had Banyans, Peepals, Neems and Jojobas decorating the school compound like ornate Chandeliers. Flowers rained from the Cassia Fistula a.k.a the Golden Shower tree kept us busy as we created arty arrangements on the muddy ground. Those patterns lasted until the sound of school bells and a dash of cool winds dispersed everything. The Copper Beech set in the beautiful village of Shancarrig invoked my dormant childhood memories. At times, we deliberately lock up good moments in a corner of our brains lest it should arouse tearful nostalgia. Let the good old days stay tucked in because earnestly missing something isn't going to bring it back. It was a painful reminder of how much things have changed and how much we missed cherishing those moments when we had it all for ourselves. Time is a temptress with access to dangerous witchcraft. The characters in this novel have their own chapters with a unique story to tell. Each one of them clarifies a lot in the matter of their decisions and relationships. Everyone has his/her/their own reasons to act a certain way. Waves of empathy washed over me after getting to know the backstory of these individuals. Only the supremely talented and serene Mauve Binchy can enticingly pack a punch with such a delightful drama. It's like the Golden Shower- A pleasant-looking tree on the outside with bright yellow flowers covering the scarily long dark pods hanging inside.