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Showing posts from December, 2010


I just wanted to yell out "Gimme a break!!" I was totally glued to my chair, my floor, my dining table, my couch..right from the second, the book was in my hands. My eyes neither were tired of scanning the words and wanted more... I didn't have time for any vision or supposition about the cap sheaf. Was like a rumble in the Bronx ......Roller Coaster..Extreme Thriller...Absolute Entertainer!!!!


Some things are meant to be remembered better than to be ignored just like how we wanted them to be done. Retaliating to past memories could bring pain and sorrow that is so intense as well as fierce enough to kill us. But one thing is for sure..even the scars left as remains by those painful memories bring a strange sense of comfort and satisfaction... That's why we aren't blessed with a memory that isn't completely dumping things each day...We ought to forget and that's the magic of the word "Remember".


The most unusual methodology handled by SS for portraying the world of Showbiz and its Puppets that are constantly, amidst the glaring paparazzi, is absolutely confounding. He has this gift, talent or whatever to blend the thrill and anticipation with the subject. And that made me go through sleepless nights, contemplating how it's really possible to write in such a phenomenal way. I want to be frank..give out open reviews. "It's erotic, twisted, utterly interesting and as a gripping tale of Toby Taylor and Jill Castle" It not only gives a perfect silhouette of the identity of Hollywood barnstormers but is also simply surrealistic... He's one of a kind with a mind that's hard to find!


A completely mind-blowing appetizer for all the thriller buffs..what else to look for?  Like no other well-known author,Mr. Sheldon spins an intrigue cum suspicion-filled plot with the knack of expertise and crispy dialogues. Every time I flipped through the pages, there was nothing but a randomized confusing agitation inside my mind thinking and guessing what unexpected turn of events was going to happen in the run... Heart throbbing! Breath Stopping!


"Her words could seduce any soul and bring mysterious magic to the minds of those who want to get lost in her was not easy to read and have control of myself from getting dragged into the wild romantic world" An exceptional work by an exceptional author that instigates every hormone, every nerve and every breadth of the skin! She's unbelievably Supernatural! Damn, I missed "Dance upon the Air &Heaven and Earth" and Damn it was a Trilogy!!!!!!!


As far as "Power of a Woman" is concerned I'm convinced by the comment that "Barbara Taylor Bradford is truly adept in knitting stories with great competence and prowess" Her way of depicting each and every phase of Stevie's life along with her choice of words is exceptional on the whole. Life seemed to be demanding and bewildering for me in a superfluous way after reading the novel. More than anything I could get!


Despite my teeming spirit to start the book, as to the author's name to be the main reason behind the gusto, I quite started enjoying the novel myself and the usual thing happened.....My plans crashed...I was totally bound to my imaginative screenplay of Sidney Sheldon's words. But I was embittered by the Ne plus ultra which was absolutely a shock cum surprise....How could Leslie Stewart blow it? That was something very out of the blue I found in SS books..where he idolized women as Strong spirits. It's a bit of a let-down for me this time.