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Showing posts from September, 2015


Although I was abruptly disappointed thinking, "What?! That's it?!" when the novel ended, it wasn't quite genuine because there was an unrepentant feeling of not wanting it to end. Every line is written with a gripping context and an absolute suspense. For the first time in my life, the events in this book were able to be viewed as screenplays in my dreams. I wouldn't call it a nightmare though. A good book would always lure its readers into its world and manage to keep them there for a long time or till they find an equally qualified one. I'm glad I had a similar experience with "Echo Park". Completely unanticipated twists in the story track, the possibility of varied guesses, the pattern in which a Sleuth's mind works and calculates the probabilities of occurrences of events and the alignment of suspects to those events are all the strong forces that had made up a strong plot for the novel. This has also made me turn over the pages to the