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Showing posts from May, 2012


That was surely one hell of a try for a debut novel. The truth is sometimes so naked that it literally had to run for cover 321 pages long. What was being narrated in this book is what is simmering inside every careless, self-conscious, reckless youth wandering over and around. These things expatiated in the novel are those that we had buried deep ages before under the soil of languor and cowardice. Those we wanted to loudmouth to the bloodsuckers and money-mongers to kick some sense into the population, that's turning crazier every year. The spark, the uprise of the youth cult, we had witnessed in the Middle East should have set its foot on Indian soil too. I wish its incense had wafted all the way to India and had done something for a start. Not that our citizens aren't able enough. But they would certainly back off if it's going to cause some good or maybe leave the can of worms open. How many ever HD video footage, they make that shows wonderful frames of delightful


Faking one's feelings, after reading a most awaited novel is above impossible. I'd never try doing such a sin. The projection may be a different one, with a change in the vibe and character code. Yet realism pays the price.Che had been my fascination before even I thought about getting to know him better. Handsomeness in any man, I notice or even detect by taking into account his thoughts and visions. Physical Appearances are mere smokescreens. Guevara isn't the least to be mentioned that way. He's the personification of everything handsomeness would imply actually.  Chancho , would he have been yet he smelt pleasant for he went on to spray the scent of freedom and brotherhood around where he lived. As an entity in this society, we are living as mute spectators of atrocities and inhuman activities. blood boils too. There! I become one among his comrades too in accordance with his wonderful watchwords. He redefined revolution and his principles curbed nefari


We find some things ablaze in glory only in the darkness. A perfect stereotype of such a mention would be Laz Vegas. Eye Catching! Stealing sights! Auroras of envy around every single table filled with Cash tablets and Dimes.The Hotbed for greediness on earth. A fast-track plot is so rare and remarkable. The moment I start thinking about the successive events, if happened otherwise, then surprisingly comes a vindication. So much to be done quick and fast. Anyways, a time-box approach always is a super-start kick for any kind of thriller, I'd say. Synchronicity, as the most admirable Villain, Karch himself opines, "The shattered glass pieces are gathered and put back with finesse to form the face of the Novel??-A classic Jigsaw puzzle!. Usually, every type of story gets its substance after a woman protagonist comes into the scene. A pixie cut, in a complete moxie, living amongst fracas all day still carrying that cool mask on as Jolie herself does it with elucidation in many