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Showing posts from October, 2015


"Face the Fire" was one of the trilogies written by Ms. Roberts which I had read a couple of years back. Since then my interests started spreading towards the romantic genre too. The provocative fact is that you get easily turned on while tasting romance through reading. It kind of leaves you behind with a sensuous overflow of feelings that makes you want to curl up with the book until the upshot is gone. The Giambelli-Macmillan vineyards make a superlative set-up for a compelling tale filled with charming love scenes and often incalculable turn of events. The passion keeps building up page by page between the characters which unassumingly wants us to see more chemistry and action.  From the unfolding stage to the maturing stage of relationships between two individuals, the cycle of love has been beautifully made analogous to the process of Winemaking. On the whole, "The Villa" leaves us wasted, utterly, lusciously wasted by the euphoric words.