A mood swing could dangerously be taken as a burlesque of one's character at times. Still, I live by the watchword "This moment too shall pass"-Yet it drains out the left-out patience and puts our courage to pass the test of times. How much ever we behold ourselves by keeping our heads above the water, it is shamefully hard to admit that, "We all are still weak at heart".Apart from this being the undeniable fact, mind you, we still are the epitomes of moral strength. With all these,out-of-control burly character possessing, sycophantic Alpha males around, Holy Christ! Women do have a hell lot to get adjusted to. The "Let it go" phrase finally isn't that easy at all. It turns out to be more onerous than anything else one could do in this world. I mostly wonder where the poor hearts draw their stamina to repair the desolate state of people's lives, which may lethally usurp them out of their moulds. Cathy gets deep into our emotions. There's nothing to hide anymore.
It's a compulsory read for every woman out there and a magical healing potion for broken, badly splintered,half-hurt hearts!
It's a compulsory read for every woman out there and a magical healing potion for broken, badly splintered,half-hurt hearts!