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A Play Dough is soft and colourful. Such are our minds when we are young and vulnerable; ready to be moulded under influences and external pressures. Laurie Kenyon, the main character in "All Around The Town" is diagnosed with Dissociative Personality Disorder as a result of a traumatic childhood experience. Abuse is the root of her pain. As can be seen in many incidents in her life, the imaginary characters in her head become her secret caretakers with the sole goal of protecting their host from the perpetrators. This worked well in a nightmarish situation but fell through when everything became normal and natural. I read in a blog that specified how the current society has pushed people to have panic attacks just by the thought of making it late to work. This stress provocation leads to increased cortisol levels, affecting one's physical well-being.

Our ancestors froze, flew and fought at the sight of danger in caves while we use similar survival tactics to stay in our desk jobs. The human brain is a microscopic view of the vast universe to the eyes of the unknown. Mary Higgins Clark, the master storyteller has produced a riveting unpredictable thriller that investigates the mind of a young woman with dismal occurrences surrounding her. As expected the book-to-movie adaptation has worked to a certain level but hasn't really captured the author's creative magic in 1.30 hours. I'm now off to hunt for the next Mary Higgins Clark thriller.


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